Stuffing for Chicken

“Stuffing” is probably not familiar to most Japanese people.  I only learned about it when I moved to the U.S. and experienced Thanksgiving Dinner.

“Stuff” means to “put inside.”   A large turkey is stuffed with stuffing (dressing) made of bread and a variety of other things like sausage, giblets, dried fruit, vegies and so on.  Sometimes people prepare it as a side dish and don’t stuff the turkey. It’s not a colorful and attractive dish, but it is very tasty.   I’m not a huge fan of meat, so  I eat more stuffing than turkey on Thanksgiving day.

In the U.S, packaged stuffing is sold so I usually use it.  When you add flavorful vegetables, nuts, and sausage it gets much tastier.   This stuffing goes well with any roast turkey/chicken dishes.

Stuffing for Chicken

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Course SidesCuisine AmericanDifficulty: Easy


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  • 5 Mushrooms (diced)

  • 1/4 small onion (diced)

  • 1/2 stalk celery (diced)

  • 1 TBS Butter

  • 1/4 pound Breakfast sausage (optional)

  • 1/4 small Apple (diced)

  • 3/4 cup Chicken stock

  • 1 cup Stuffing mix (or staled bread diced)

  • 1 tsp Thyme & sage (fresh or dried)

  • 3 TBS Nuts and cranberries (optional)


  • Wash and dice all vegetables and cook over med heat until tender with butter.
  • In a separate pan, cook sausage until done. Sed aside.
  • In the vegetable pan, add apples (diced) and add sausage. Cook and mix.
  • Add herbs and Chicken stock.
  • Add stuffing mix, nuts and cranberries. If the stuffing is too wet add more stuffing. If it is too dry add more chicken stock. Mix well. Salt pepper to taste.