Basic Tomato Sauce

basic tomato sauce

When I was a kid, spaghetti was ketchup taste. In my early 20’s, Neapolitan spaghetti  (taste like tomato ketchup and mixed sauteed vegetables) in coffee shops was popular spaghetti,  and when I moved to the United States, spaghetti was mixed with store-bought Ragu or Prego sauce.

There were no such spaghettis in Italy. Back in 1986, Italian authentic spaghetti was simple with tomato sauce, garlic and oi. And spaghetti was hard (al dente).  Tomatoes were different. Italian tomatoes tasted rich and sweet. Is it because they grew under abundance of sun?

Once spaghetti is cooked and ready, there is no time to chat. You got to eat without talking. Manja! (eat) That’s what I learned from my Italian friend.

Once you’ve tried authentic Italian spaghetti, whatever you have eaten in the past was erased from your brain.

 This basic tomato sauce is versatile because it can be used for many other recipes.

Well, we can’t get fresh Italian tomatoes here in Hawaii, so try can a of Italian tomatoes. Enjoy!

tomato sauce ingredients 1

Basic Tomato Sauce

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Course MainCuisine ItalianDifficulty: Easy


Prep time


Cooking time


Total time




  • 1 Italian tomato can (crashed or whole)

  • 2 TBS olive oil

  • 1 small dry pepperoncino

  • 1/2 tsp dry basil

  • 1/2 tsp salt


  • Heat a med size pot. Add olive oil and (pepperoncino/ optional).
  • When the oil starts to get hot, add a can of tomato.
  • Add basil and cook med heat in 40 mins.
  • Add salt and taste.


  • Pepperoncino is very hot so use only 1.
  • This recipe is for 4 people. Make this amount and freeze whatever left.
  • Use this tomato sauce for pasta or chicken Milano sauce.