Almost Tempura

Tempura needs only a few ingredients – batter and frying oil, but it is not easy to perfect it.

With American made flour, Tempura ends up like fritters. You also need a right type of cooking oil so that Tempura gets crispy. Even in Honolulu, it is hard to find a Japanese restaurant which serves perfectly fried Tempura.  

One of my mother’s specialties was tempura. Whenever our family visits my parents’ house, my mom cooked shrimp and vegetable tempura. They were so tasty and crispy.

 I can’t make it as my mom did, so this recipe I call it “Almost tempura .”

Use Japanese made Tempura flour (mix) for the best result.  Here, I use avocado oil, but use any frying oil of your choice. I do not recommend olive oil since it is not suited for deep frying.

If you make too much, you can repurpose it to Tempura don (ten don) adding rice and tempura sauce. That is also tasty.

Almost Tempura

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Course MainCuisine Asian, JapaneseDifficulty: Average


Prep time


Cooking time


Total time




  • 4-6 large Shrimp (frozen uncooked)

  • 1 cup Carrots (Julian)

  • 1/2 cup Zucchini or green beans

  • 1 cup Tempura flour (mix with cold water)

  • 2 cups Frying oil


  • Thaw out frozen shrimps. Pat dry.
  • Cut vegetables. Julian carrots. Cut Zucchini about 1/2 inch width and 2 inch long. (If you are using green beans, remove strings.)
  • Make Tempura batter as the direction on the package about 1 cup. Use cold water for best result.
  • Heat cooking oil in a pot. (Need at least 2 inch deep so that the ingredients do not stick at the bottom of the pot.)
  • When the oil is ready (350 F degree) start frying the ingredients.
  • Cook one side and turn the other side until golden brown. Remove from the oil and keep them on the xxx.
  • For Tendon (tempura and rice bowl) please check the temdon sauce below.


  • Tendon sauce: Mix 1/3 cup Soy sauce and 1/3 cup Mirin and cook over med heat about 10 min.

Tendon sauce and plating sample

Almost Tempura Plating Sample