Poor Man's Steak

Recently, prices in Hawaii have risen considerably. Gasoline prices have doubled since a few months ago.

At the supermarket, I put back the steak in the shelf shocked by the high price. The combination of unemployment and inflation is tough.

Having said that, sometimes you crave meat.  So how about a recipe like this?

Use coarse ground beef and eat with sautéed mushrooms and caramelized onions.  When you make patties, do not knead too much but only put together and make it round. The texture of the meat should remain soft. Get a nice red wine and the dinner will be perfect (Well, this won’t help our budget meal!?)

This mushroom and caramel onion match the steak as well.

Poor Man's Steak

5.0 from 2 投票
Course MainCuisine AmericanDifficulty: Average


Prep time


Cooking time


Total time



Caramelized onion takes about 30 min.


  • 1/2 pound Ground beef

  • - Salt Pepper

  • olive oil

  • 1 package mushrooms

  • 1 large onion


  • Caramelized onion: Slice onion thin and sauté on medium to low heat until golden brown.
  • Sauteed mushrooms: Wash mushrooms and slice thin. Sauté on high heat until golden brown.
  • Poor man's steak: Salt and pepper ground beef generously. Lightly shape into two patties. Do not mash or kneed the meat too much.
  • Heat med frying pan on high, put one teaspoon oil and cook both sides of the patties until done. (about 3 min each side)
  • Put mushrooms and caramelized onion on top of the patties.