Prague, Czech Republic

Prague is known as “the most beautiful city in the world.” Naturally it was one of my must travel to destinations.  We visited Prague in October 2018. It was like a fairyland and more than I expected.  Everything was so picturesque.

The air was very clear and crisp.

Standing and looking around in the middle of the old town of Prague I felt like I had slipped back in time to Medieval Europe.

My favorite site was Charles Bridge.  Thirty statues of saints are on both sides of the bridge. It’s beautiful, but for whatever reason the faces of the statues were made to look sad.

Food: I didn’t know much about Prague’s cuisine, but heard it is similar to German food.

Yes, it had some German influence, but there are certainly many original Czech dishes, and some more modern and trendy chefs offering something a bit more sophisticated.

We ventured to a famous suburb restaurant since I read a good review on this restaurant.

The restaurant was super local, and there was no English menu. We asked the waiter who said he understood English. Well, his English wasn’t good enough to explain the details of menu. But thank God. Everything we ordered was surprisingly delicious.

We ordered tomato salad, mushroom soup, and pork dish. All good.

Next time, I will take a portable translator and will try other dishes. Great place, Prague.