Superfood 18 Smoothie

I know you just tried to close my site when you saw “18 superfood (ingredients).” Just wait one second. Give me 1 minute to explain (sounds like a sales pitch).

The Young smoothie is a ‘SUPER FOOD’ smoothie which is the result of trying many ingredients over the last seven years. You do not need to use all of the ingredients and you can start with only 3 things, protein, milk, and fruits. You will find that the smoothie is a very nutritional and quick breakfast which is very satisfying.

We started with the smoothie breakfast for health reasons. Blood pressure and cholesterol numbers were going up and up, so we cut out or cut down on the sugar, processed foods (cereals, crackers, cookies) and refined flour (pasta, bread), and we started on a new diet.

In a nutshell, smoothies are amazing. My husband lost weight, his blood pressure was reduced, and the other health numbers became within the normal range. I became healthy too. It’s hard to get all the nutrients from regular food, so smoothies are a very convenient way for getting our necessary nutrition.

I really want you to try if you are interested in healthy diet.

First, you need a decent blender. It doesn’t have to be overly expensive with a lot of bells and whistles, but it should be sturdy so that it will last longer. From experience the stronger the motor, the better and faster it works.

Our breakfast calories easily go over 600 calories with a nice hot cappuccino, a bowl full of overnight oats, and a 20 once delicious smoothie. One tip. Read food labels. Some nut and soy beverages contain added sugar, and you put too many sweet fruits, the sugar adds up. This smoothie is not designed for weigh loss, but you can make it that way if you avoid the sugars.


Superfood 18 Smoothie

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Course Main, BreakfastCuisine AmericanDifficulty: Easy


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Cooking time


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  • 3 TBS Whey protein powder

  • 1 1/2 TBS Collagen Peptide

  • 1 TBS Maca powder

  • 1 TBS Baobab powder

  • 1 TBS Cocoa powder

  • 1 TBS Cocoa nibs

  • 1 TBS Flax seed powder

  • 1 TBS Chia seed

  • 1/4 tsp Cinnamon powder

  • 1/4 tsp Sumac powder

  • 1 cup Frozen berries (strawberries, blueberries)

  • 1 frozen banana (or banana)

  • 1 cup Frozen spinach (or kale)

  • 1/2 Avocado

  • 2 cups Almond milk (plant based milk)

  • 1 TBS Honey

  • 1 tsp Turmeric root

  • 1 tsp Ginger root


  • In a blender, put fruits, spinach, avocado and ginger and termeric.
  • Put almond milk and honey.
  • Put all dry ingredients (powders, seeds etc.).
  • Put on the blender until smooth.


  • If you are using fresh berries and banana (not frozen), add some ice cubes to make it cold.

Ingredients and smoothie maker

Fruits: I think berries and bananas are good, but it’s totally up to you.  We use frozen berries from Costco. You can purchase frozen avocados, but they are expensive, so we use fresh ones. We peel and  freeze bananas. You can choose all fresh fruits, but if you want a cold smoothie, just add some ice cubes.

Kale and spinach also freeze well, but, of course, fresh is fine.

Plant-based milk: Use almond milk, cashew milk, oat milk, coconut water, etc. If it is available, chose sugar-free as much as possible.

There are various kinds of superfood powders, and I think it is good to choose the one you like.  Now we use chia seeds (we put them in as they are, but it is also said that it is good to soften them with water) flax seeds, cacao powder, cocoa nibs, and cinnamon.

For Protein powder, use Whey Protein. Hemp protein is a good vegan option. Add to that Collagen peptide and creatine powder.

Smoothie blenders: We use the Nutri Bullet Rx. It is designed for making smoothies and has the strong motor that I mentioned earlier. It is compact but performs well. If your blender is too large (like those big expensive ones with the glass container) , it is difficult to clean.

For best results add ingredients to blender container in this order. Frozen vegetable and fruits, milk and honey, and dry ingredients.